Alyssa's Legacy Youth in Schools Safety Alert Act or the ALYSSA Act
This bill addresses school security by requiring silent panic alarms in elementary and secondary schools and reauthorizing a program to train school resource officers.
First, the bill requires that each elementary and secondary school have a silent alarm to alert local law enforcement authorities and emergency responders about a safety issue at the school.
Further, the bill conditions receipt of funds by a local educational agency (LEA) upon each elementary and secondary school served by the LEA being equipped with at least one panic alarm for use in a school emergency.
The bill reauthorizes for FY2021-FY2030 the school resource officers program.
Alyssa's Legacy Youth in Schools Safety Alert Act or the ALYSSA Act
This bill addresses school security by requiring silent panic alarms in elementary and secondary schools and reauthorizing a program to train school resource officers.
First, the bill requires that each elementary and secondary school have a silent alarm to alert local law enforcement authorities and emergency responders about a safety issue at the school.
Further, the bill conditions receipt of funds by a local educational agency (LEA) upon each elementary and secondary school served by the LEA being equipped with at least one panic alarm for use in a school emergency.
The bill reauthorizes for FY2021-FY2030 the school resource officers program.
Alyssa's Legacy Youth in Schools Safety Alert Act or the ALYSSA Act
This bill addresses school security by requiring silent panic alarms in elementary and secondary schools and reauthorizing a program to train school resource office...
First, the bill requires that each elementary and secondary school have a silent alarm to alert local law enforcement authorities and emergency responders about a safety issue at the school.
Further, the bill conditions receipt of funds by a local educational agency (LEA) upon each elementary and secondary school served by the LEA being equipped with at least one panic alarm for use in a school emergency.
The bill reauthorizes for FY2021-FY2030 the school resource officers program.