Vision Zero Act of 2021
This bill allows states to use funds that are apportioned under the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program and the Highway Safety Improvement Program to support the development and implementation of local vision zero plans to reduce transportation-related fatalities and injuries within 20 years or less.
Plans must include specified components, including strategies to educate the public and equitably invest in low-income and minority communities, and may include a complete streets prioritization plan with specific projects for transportation and community networks.
The bill prohibits federal funds from being used to enforce vision zero plans.
Vision Zero Act of 2021
This bill allows states to use funds that are apportioned under the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program and the Highway Safety Improvement Program to support the development and implementation of local...
Plans must include specified components, including strategies to educate the public and equitably invest in low-income and minority communities, and may include a complete streets prioritization plan with specific projects for transportation and community networks.
The bill prohibits federal funds from being used to enforce vision zero plans.