Low-Income Water Customer Assistance Programs Act of 2021
This bill directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish grant programs to assist low-income households in maintaining access to drinking water and wastewater services.
Specifically, the EPA must establish a program to assist such households with paying drinking water bills. States and community water systems may apply for grants.
In addition, the EPA must establish a program to assist such households with paying wastewater utility bills. States may apply for grants for small community-serving wastewater facilities. Certain municipalities may apply for grants for (1) treatment works for municipal waste, or (2) municipal separate storm sewer systems.
Low-Income Water Customer Assistance Programs Act of 2021
This bill directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish grant programs to assist low-income households in maintaining access to drinking water and wastewater...
Specifically, the EPA must establish a program to assist such households with paying drinking water bills. States and community water systems may apply for grants.
In addition, the EPA must establish a program to assist such households with paying wastewater utility bills. States may apply for grants for small community-serving wastewater facilities. Certain municipalities may apply for grants for (1) treatment works for municipal waste, or (2) municipal separate storm sewer systems.