Display TitleComprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act
Official Title as IntroducedTo expand and enhance consumer, student, servicemember, and small business protections with respect to debt collection practices, and for other purposes.
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billSmall Business Lending Fairness Act
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billFair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billPrivate Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billConsumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billEnding Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billStop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billDebt Collection Practices Harmonization Act
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billNon-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billSecuring Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billSCAM Debt Act
Short Title(s) as Passed House for portions of this billRyan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Passed HouseComprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billNon-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act
Short Title(s) as IntroducedComprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billEnding Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billDebt Collection Practices Harmonization Act
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billFair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billSmall Business Lending Fairness Act
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billStop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billConsumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act
Short Title(s) as Introduced for portions of this billPrivate Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Reported to HouseComprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billFair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billSmall Business Lending Fairness Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billNon-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billDebt Collection Practices Harmonization Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billStop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billEnding Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billConsumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to House for portions of this billPrivate Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billRyan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billSecuring Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billEnding Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billSCAM Debt Act
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billFair Debt Collection Improvement Act
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billDebt Collection Practices Harmonization Act
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billPrivate Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billNon-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billConsumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billStop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billFair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act
Short Titles as Passed HouseComprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act
Short Titles as Passed House for portions of this billSmall Business Lending Fairness Act