Bill 117 HR 2470, also known as the "Kentucky Future Interstates and High Priority Corridors Designation Act," aims to designate specific routes in Kentucky as future interstates and high priority corridors. The bill outlines the criteria for selecting these routes, which include factors such as economic development potential, transportation efficiency, and safety considerations.
The purpose of designating these routes as future interstates and high priority corridors is to improve the overall transportation infrastructure in Kentucky, enhance connectivity between different regions of the state, and promote economic growth. By designating these routes, the bill aims to prioritize funding and resources for the development and maintenance of these transportation corridors.
The bill also includes provisions for conducting feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, and public consultations before finalizing the designation of these routes. Additionally, the bill outlines the process for obtaining federal approval and funding for the development of these future interstates and high priority corridors.
Overall, Bill 117 HR 2470 seeks to enhance the transportation infrastructure in Kentucky, promote economic development, and improve connectivity between different regions of the state through the designation of specific routes as future interstates and high priority corridors.