Blue Collar to Green Collar Jobs Development Act of 2021
This bill reauthorizes and modifies the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Minority Economic Impact.
Specifically, the bill (1) renames the office as the Office of Economic Impact, Diversity, and Employment; and (2) directs the office to establish and carry out a comprehensive nationwide program to improve education and training for jobs in energy-related industries, with emphasis on increasing the number of skilled individuals from underrepresented communities trained to work in those jobs.
DOE, in collaboration with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Department of Commerce, the Bureau of the Census, and energy-related industries, shall establish a clearinghouse to develop resources training programs for jobs in energy-related industries and act as a resource for educational institutions and covered organizations and programs that seek to develop and implement training programs for such jobs.
In carrying out the program, DOE, in collaboration with the Department of Education, Commerce, the Department of Labor, and the National Science Foundation, shall develop voluntary guidelines or best practices for educational institutions to help provide students with the skills necessary for jobs in energy-related industries.
The office shall establish and carry out a program to provide grants to certain businesses, labor organizations, nonprofit organizations, or qualified youth or conservation corps to pay the eligible wages or stipends for individuals receiving training to work for businesses that provide services related to renewable electric energy generation and energy efficiency.
Blue Collar to Green Collar Jobs Development Act of 2021
This bill reauthorizes and modifies the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Minority Economic Impact.
Specifically, the bill (1) renames the office as the Office of ...
DOE, in collaboration with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Department of Commerce, the Bureau of the Census, and energy-related industries, shall establish a clearinghouse to develop resources training programs for jobs in energy-related industries and act as a resource for educational institutions and covered organizations and programs that seek to develop and implement training programs for such jobs.
In carrying out the program, DOE, in collaboration with the Department of Education, Commerce, the Department of Labor, and the National Science Foundation, shall develop voluntary guidelines or best practices for educational institutions to help provide students with the skills necessary for jobs in energy-related industries.
The office shall establish and carry out a program to provide grants to certain businesses, labor organizations, nonprofit organizations, or qualified youth or conservation corps to pay the eligible wages or stipends for individuals receiving training to work for businesses that provide services related to renewable electric energy generation and energy efficiency.