National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Reauthorization Act of 2016
(Sec. 3) This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend through FY2021 the controlled substance monitoring program, including to:
The Drug Enforcement Administration, HHS, a state Medicaid program, a state health department, or a state substance abuse agency receiving nonidentifiable information from a controlled substance monitoring database for research purposes may make that information available to other entities for research purposes.
HHS is no longer required to give preference for grants related to drug abuse to states with controlled substance monitoring programs.
A state receiving a grant for a controlled substance monitoring program must: (1) facilitate prescriber and dispenser use of the controlled substance monitoring system, and (2) educate prescribers and dispensers on the benefits of the system.
National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Reauthorization Act of 2016
(Sec. 3) This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend through FY2021 the controlled substance monitoring program, including...
The Drug Enforcement Administration, HHS, a state Medicaid program, a state health department, or a state substance abuse agency receiving nonidentifiable information from a controlled substance monitoring database for research purposes may make that information available to other entities for research purposes.
HHS is no longer required to give preference for grants related to drug abuse to states with controlled substance monitoring programs.
A state receiving a grant for a controlled substance monitoring program must: (1) facilitate prescriber and dispenser use of the controlled substance monitoring system, and (2) educate prescribers and dispensers on the benefits of the system.