CFPB Rule Accountability Act of 2016
This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to require the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), before any federal agency rule may take effect, to publish in the Federal Register a list of information on which the rule is based, including data, scientific and economic studies, and cost-benefit analyses, identify how the public can access such information online, and report to Congress and to the Government Accountability Office a classification of the rule as a major or nonmajor rule.
Congress must enact a joint resolution of approval of major rules before they may take effect. If a joint resolution of approval is not enacted by the end of 70 session days or legislative days, as applicable, after the CFPB reports on the rule to Congress, the major rule shall be deemed not to be approved and shall not take effect. A major rule may take effect, however, for one 90-calendar day period without such approval if the President determines it is necessary because of an imminent threat to health or safety or other emergency, for the enforcement of criminal laws, for national security, or to implement an international trade agreement.
The bill prescribes the congressional approval procedure for major rules and the congressional disapproval procedure for nonmajor rules.
A joint resolution addressing a report classifying a rule as a major rule must be introduced within three legislative days in the House of Representative and three session days in the Senate. No amendments to such a joint resolution shall be permitted at any stage of the legislative process. The bill prescribes a procedure for expedited consideration of a joint resolution of approval, requiring a vote on the resolution in the Senate within 15 session days after it is reported by the committee to which it was referred, or after the committee has been discharged from further consideration of it.
A court may review whether an agency has completed the necessary requirements under this bill for a rule to take effect. No determination, finding, action, or omission under this bill shall be subject to judicial review.
The Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended to provide that any congressional approval procedure set forth in this bill affecting budget authority, outlays, or receipts shall be assumed to be effective unless it is not approved in accordance with this Act.
CFPB Rule Accountability Act of 2016
This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to require the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), before any federal agency rule may take effect, to publish in the Federa...
Congress must enact a joint resolution of approval of major rules before they may take effect. If a joint resolution of approval is not enacted by the end of 70 session days or legislative days, as applicable, after the CFPB reports on the rule to Congress, the major rule shall be deemed not to be approved and shall not take effect. A major rule may take effect, however, for one 90-calendar day period without such approval if the President determines it is necessary because of an imminent threat to health or safety or other emergency, for the enforcement of criminal laws, for national security, or to implement an international trade agreement.
The bill prescribes the congressional approval procedure for major rules and the congressional disapproval procedure for nonmajor rules.
A joint resolution addressing a report classifying a rule as a major rule must be introduced within three legislative days in the House of Representative and three session days in the Senate. No amendments to such a joint resolution shall be permitted at any stage of the legislative process. The bill prescribes a procedure for expedited consideration of a joint resolution of approval, requiring a vote on the resolution in the Senate within 15 session days after it is reported by the committee to which it was referred, or after the committee has been discharged from further consideration of it.
A court may review whether an agency has completed the necessary requirements under this bill for a rule to take effect. No determination, finding, action, or omission under this bill shall be subject to judicial review.
The Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended to provide that any congressional approval procedure set forth in this bill affecting budget authority, outlays, or receipts shall be assumed to be effective unless it is not approved in accordance with this Act.