Rural Guard Act of 2016
This bill authorizes the removal, on a case by case basis, of the $300 cap on travel expense reimbursements to certain members of the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve who: (1) live in a rural area in the same state as the inactive duty training location; and (2) are required to travel to the inactive training location using a boat or aircraft due to limited or nonexistent vehicular routes, or from a permanent residence more than 75 miles from that location.
Rural Guard Act of 2016
This bill authorizes the removal, on a case by case basis, of the $300 cap on travel expense reimbursements to certain members of the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve who: (1) live in a rural area in the same state as the inactive duty training location; and (2) are required to travel to the inactive training location using a boat or aircraft due to limited or nonexistent vehicular routes, or from a permanent residence more than 75 miles from that location.
Rural Guard Act of 2016
This bill authorizes the removal, on a case by case basis, of the $300 cap on travel expense reimbursements to certain members of the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve who: (1) live in a rural a...