Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016

1/11/2023, 1:30 PM

HR - 2995

Introduced on

# Amendments

Ander Crenshaw

Variations and Revisions


Status of Legislation

Bill Introduced
Introduced to House
House to Vote
Introduced to Senate
Senate to Vote

Purpose and Summary

Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016

Provides FY2016 appropriations for agencies responsible for: regulating the financial, telecommunications, and consumer products industries; collecting taxes and assisting taxpayers; managing federal buildings; overseeing the federal workforce; and operating the Executive Office of the President, the judiciary, federal buildings, and the District of Columbia.

Department of the Treasury Appropriations Act, 2016

Provides appropriations to the Department of the Treasury for:

  • Departmental Offices,
  • the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,
  • the Bureau of the Fiscal Service,
  • the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau,
  • the U.S. Mint,
  • the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Program Account, and
  • the Internal Revenue Service.

Executive Office of the President Appropriations Act, 2016

Provides appropriations to the Executive Office of the President and Funds Appropriated to the President for:

  • the White House,
  • the Executive Residence at the White House,
  • White House Repair and Restoration,
  • the Council of Economic Advisers,
  • the National Security Council and Homeland Security Council,
  • the Office of Administration,
  • the Office of Management and Budget,
  • the Office of National Drug Control Policy,
  • Information Technology Oversight and Reform,
  • Special Assistance to the President, and
  • the Official Residence of the Vice President.

Judiciary Appropriations Act, 2016

Provides appropriations to the judiciary for:

  • the Supreme Court of the United States;
  • the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit;
  • the U.S. Court of International Trade;
  • Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services;
  • the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts;
  • the Federal Judicial Center;
  • and the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2016

Provides appropriations to the District of Columbia, including Federal Funds and District of Columbia Funds.

Provides appropriations to independent agencies, including:

  • the Administrative Conference of the United States,
  • the Consumer Products Safety Commission,
  • the Election Assistance Commission,
  • the Federal Communications Commission,
  • the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
  • the Federal Election Commission,
  • the Federal Labor Relations Authority,
  • the Federal Trade Commission,
  • the General Services Administration,
  • the Merit Systems Protection Board,
  • the National Archives and Records Administration,
  • the National Credit Union Administration,
  • the Office of Government Ethics,
  • the Office of Personnel Management,
  • the Office of Special Counsel,
  • the Postal Regulatory Commission,
  • the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board,
  • the Securities and Exchange Commission,
  • the Selective Service System,
  • the Small Business Administration,
  • the U.S. Postal Service, and
  • the U.S. Tax Court.

Sets forth permissible, restricted, and prohibited uses for funds provided by this and other appropriations Acts. Rescinds unobligated balances from prior appropriations.

Alternative Names
Official Title as IntroducedMaking appropriations for financial services and general government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes.

Policy Areas
Housing and Community Development

Potential Impact
Administrative Conference of the U.S.
Administrative law and regulatory procedures
Advisory bodies
Art, artists, authorship
Banking and financial institutions regulation
Buy American requirements
Caribbean area
Child health
Climate change and greenhouse gases
Comprehensive health care
Computers and information technology
Congressional oversight
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Criminal procedure and sentencing
Department of the Treasury
District of Columbia
Drug trafficking and controlled substances
Drug, alcohol, tobacco use
Economics and Public Finance
Education programs funding
Election Assistance Commission
Elections, voting, political campaign regulation
Electric power generation and transmission
Elementary and secondary education
Employee performance
Employment discrimination and employee rights
Executive Office of the President
Executive agency funding and structure
Family planning and birth control
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Reserve System
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Federal appellate courts
Federal district courts
Federal officials
First Amendment rights
Floods and storm protection
Food industry and services
Fraud offenses and financial crimes
General Services Administration
Government buildings, facilities, and property
Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management
Government ethics and transparency, public corruption
Government information and archives
Government lending and loan guarantees
Government trust funds
Health care costs and insurance
Health care coverage and access
Higher education
Human rights
Hybrid, electric, and advanced technology vehicles
Industrial policy and productivity
Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International exchange and broadcasting
Internet and video services
Internet, web applications, social media
Judicial procedure and administration
Labor standards
Labor-management relations
Latin America
Medical tests and diagnostic methods
Merit Systems Protection Board
Motor vehicles
Multilateral development programs
Museums, exhibitions, cultural centers
National Archives and Records Administration
National Credit Union Administration
National Guard and reserves
Nutrition and diet
Office of Government Ethics
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Office of Special Counsel
Oil and gas
Performance measurement
Pollution liability
Postal Regulatory Commission
Postal service
Prescription drugs
Presidents and presidential powers, Vice Presidents
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Product safety and quality
Public contracts and procurement
Public participation and lobbying
Right of privacy
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Selective Service System
Sex and reproductive health
Small Business Administration
Small business
Specialized courts
State and local courts
State and local finance
Student aid and college costs
Supreme Court
Tax administration and collection, taxpayers
Tax-exempt organizations
Transportation costs
Travel and tourism
U.S. Postal Service
U.S. Sentencing Commission
Veterans' loans, housing, homeless programs
Voting rights
Women's health


Recent Activity

Latest Summary7/8/2021

Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016

Provides FY2016 appropriations for agencies responsible for: regulating the financial, telecommunications, and consumer products industries; collecting taxes and as...

Latest Action7/9/2015
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 144.