Critical Electric Infrastructure Protection Act
Amends the Federal Power Act to authorize the Department of Energy (DOE), with or without notice, hearing, or report, to issue orders for emergency measures to protect the reliability of either the bulk-power system or the defense critical electric infrastructure whenever the President issues a written directive or determination identifying an imminent grid security emergency.
Requires the President to notify specified congressional committees promptly whenever the President issues such a directive.
Instructs DOE, before issuing an order for such emergency measures, to the extent practicable in light of the nature of the grid security emergency and the urgency of the need for action, to consult with governmental authorities in Canada and Mexico, regarding implementation of the emergency measures.
Prescribes: (1) implementation procedures (including expiration and reissuance of emergency orders); and (2) related cost recovery measures affecting owners, operators, or users of the bulk-power system.
Requires DOE, to the extent practicable and consistent with obligations to protect classified information, to provide temporary access to classified information relating to a grid security emergency to key personnel of relevant entities in order to optimize communications between them and federal agencies.
Requires DOE to identify facilities in the U.S. and its territories that are: (1) critical to the defense of the United States, and (2) vulnerable to a disruption of the supply of electric energy provided by an external provider.
Exempts critical electric infrastructure information from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
Directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to: (1) designate critical electric infrastructure information, and (2) prescribe regulations and orders prohibiting its unauthorized disclosure but also authorizing appropriate voluntary sharing with federal, state, local, and tribal authorities.
Shields a person or entity in possession of critical electric infrastructure information from any cause of action for sharing or receiving information that was done in accordance with this Act.
Critical Electric Infrastructure Protection Act
Amends the Federal Power Act to authorize the Department of Energy (DOE), with or without notice, hearing, or report, to issue orders for emergency measures to protect the reliabilit...
Requires the President to notify specified congressional committees promptly whenever the President issues such a directive.
Instructs DOE, before issuing an order for such emergency measures, to the extent practicable in light of the nature of the grid security emergency and the urgency of the need for action, to consult with governmental authorities in Canada and Mexico, regarding implementation of the emergency measures.
Prescribes: (1) implementation procedures (including expiration and reissuance of emergency orders); and (2) related cost recovery measures affecting owners, operators, or users of the bulk-power system.
Requires DOE, to the extent practicable and consistent with obligations to protect classified information, to provide temporary access to classified information relating to a grid security emergency to key personnel of relevant entities in order to optimize communications between them and federal agencies.
Requires DOE to identify facilities in the U.S. and its territories that are: (1) critical to the defense of the United States, and (2) vulnerable to a disruption of the supply of electric energy provided by an external provider.
Exempts critical electric infrastructure information from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
Directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to: (1) designate critical electric infrastructure information, and (2) prescribe regulations and orders prohibiting its unauthorized disclosure but also authorizing appropriate voluntary sharing with federal, state, local, and tribal authorities.
Shields a person or entity in possession of critical electric infrastructure information from any cause of action for sharing or receiving information that was done in accordance with this Act.