Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act Reauthorization of 2015
Amends the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA) to reauthorize, until July 25, 2020, the program for the completion of appraisals and satisfaction of other legal requirements for the sale or exchange of public land identified for disposal under approved land use plans under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976.
Directs the Department of the Interior to: (1) establish and maintain a database containing a comprehensive list of all of the public land identified for disposal under such plans, and (2) make such database available to the public on the website of Interior.
Allows a state to use any funds made available from the Federal Land Disposal Account for same-state purchases that are not obligated or expended by the end of the fourth fiscal year after the sale or exchange of the land that generated such funds.
Instructs Interior and the Department of Agriculture, in prioritizing the acquisition of inholdings and non-federal lands with exceptional resources, to consider the extent to which the acquisition of the land or interest therein will increase public availability of resources for, and facilitate public access to, hunting, fishing, and other recreational activities.
Requires any remaining balance in the Federal Land Disposal Account to be deposited into the Treasury and used for deficit reduction, except that in the case of a fiscal year for which there is no federal budget deficit, such amounts shall be used to reduce the federal debt.
Makes the FLTFA inapplicable to land eligible for sale under specified public land laws.
Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act Reauthorization of 2015
Amends the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA) to reauthorize, until July 25, 2020, the program for the completion of appraisals and satisfaction of ot...
Directs the Department of the Interior to: (1) establish and maintain a database containing a comprehensive list of all of the public land identified for disposal under such plans, and (2) make such database available to the public on the website of Interior.
Allows a state to use any funds made available from the Federal Land Disposal Account for same-state purchases that are not obligated or expended by the end of the fourth fiscal year after the sale or exchange of the land that generated such funds.
Instructs Interior and the Department of Agriculture, in prioritizing the acquisition of inholdings and non-federal lands with exceptional resources, to consider the extent to which the acquisition of the land or interest therein will increase public availability of resources for, and facilitate public access to, hunting, fishing, and other recreational activities.
Requires any remaining balance in the Federal Land Disposal Account to be deposited into the Treasury and used for deficit reduction, except that in the case of a fiscal year for which there is no federal budget deficit, such amounts shall be used to reduce the federal debt.
Makes the FLTFA inapplicable to land eligible for sale under specified public land laws.