Bill 119 SJRes 5 is a joint resolution that aims to remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in Ukraine that have not been authorized by Congress. The bill is focused on ensuring that the US military is not involved...
in any conflicts in Ukraine without proper approval from Congress.
The resolution highlights the importance of Congress having the authority to declare war and authorize military actions, as outlined in the Constitution. It emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in decisions regarding the deployment of US troops in foreign conflicts.
The bill specifically targets any hostilities in Ukraine that have not been approved by Congress, indicating a desire to limit the involvement of US forces in the region to only those actions that have been properly authorized.
Overall, Bill 119 SJRes 5 seeks to uphold the constitutional principles of checks and balances by ensuring that Congress has the final say in matters of war and military intervention. It aims to prevent unauthorized military actions in Ukraine and promote congressional oversight of US military involvement in foreign conflicts.