Bill 118 s 5565, also known as the "Inmate Birth Reporting Act," is a proposed piece of legislation aimed at encouraging states to report certain information to the Attorney General regarding inmates who give birth while in t...
he custody of law enforcement agencies. The bill seeks to improve transparency and accountability in the treatment of pregnant inmates and their newborns.
Specifically, the bill requires states to report to the Attorney General the number of inmates who give birth while in custody, as well as information on the conditions under which the births occurred and the outcomes for both the mother and the newborn. This information will help to identify any potential issues or concerns related to the care and treatment of pregnant inmates in law enforcement custody.
In addition to reporting requirements, the bill also includes provisions for training law enforcement personnel on how to properly care for pregnant inmates and ensure their safety and well-being during childbirth. It also calls for the development of guidelines and protocols for the treatment of pregnant inmates in custody.
Overall, the Inmate Birth Reporting Act aims to promote transparency, accountability, and improved care for pregnant inmates in law enforcement custody. By requiring states to report on the treatment and outcomes of pregnant inmates, the bill seeks to ensure that all individuals in custody receive appropriate care and support, particularly during the vulnerable time of childbirth.