Dive deeper into U.S. House and Senate legislation with Hozzl. Get real-time updates on congressional bills, enhanced with AI-powered summaries and insights from our expert community. Stay informed and understand the impact of proposed laws like never before.
Stay informed with real-time updates on your representatives. Track their votes, campaign contributions, and spending. See who's funding their campaigns—and who might be calling in favors. Hold them accountable and make sure they're honoring their promises.
Catch real-time livestreams of floor debates, committee hearings, and major announcements straight from the Capitol. See what's happening as it happens—no filters, no spin. Stay connected, stay informed, and see your government at work.
Stay informed about how your representatives in the U.S. House and Senate vote on key issues. Compare their voting records with the promises they made during their campaigns. Hozzl empowers you to hold Congress accountable by providing the tools to see if your elected officials are staying true to their platforms.
Discover the financial connections behind political campaigns with Hozzl. We track every dollar reported by Political Action Committees (PACs) to the federal government, revealing the flow of funds from PACs to candidates. Explore which companies and individuals are contributing the most and gain a clear understanding of who’s influencing the political landscape.