Vote Summary
Motion Rejected (33-64, 3/5 majority required)The vote failed with a tally of 33 For, 64 Against, 0 Present, and 3 Not Voting. When broken down by party, there were 0 Democrats, 33 Republican, and 0 Independents voting For, 44 Democrats, 19 Republican, and 1 Independents voting Against, 0 Democrats, 0 Republican, and 0 Independents voting Present, and finally, 0 Democrats, 2 Republican, and 1 Independents Not Voting.Voting ForDemocratRepublicanIndependent
Voting AgainstDemocratRepublicanIndependent
Voting PresentDemocratRepublicanIndependent
Not VotingDemocratRepublicanIndependent
Official Vote Question
On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Paul Amdt. No. 3787) - To provide for the establishment of free market enterprise zones in order to help facilitate the creation of new jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities, enhanced and renewed educational opprotunities, and increased community involvement in bankrupt or economically distressed areas.
Official Vote Result
Motion Rejected (33-64, 3/5 majority required)