Summary of Bill SRES 20
Bill 119 SRES 20 is a resolution that supports the goals and ideals of Korean American Day. The resolution recognizes the contributions of Korean Americans to the United States and celebrates the rich cultural heritage and history of the Korean American community.
The resolution highlights the achievements of Korean Americans in various fields, including business, education, science, and the arts. It also acknowledges the challenges and discrimination that Korean Americans have faced throughout history, including during times of war and conflict.
The resolution calls on all Americans to join in celebrating Korean American Day on January 13th each year. It encourages communities across the country to hold events and activities that honor the contributions of Korean Americans and promote cultural understanding and appreciation.
Overall, Bill 119 SRES 20 is a bipartisan effort to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Korean Americans to the United States, while also promoting unity and diversity within the country.
Congressional Summary of SRES 20
This resolution honors the 122nd anniversary of the arrival of Korean immigrants to the United States and urges all individuals in the United States to observe Korean American Day.