Summary of Bill HRES 332
Bill 118 HRES 332, titled "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on Ukrainian victory," is a resolution introduced in the US Congress. The purpose of this resolution is to acknowledge and commend the Ukrainian people for their resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
The resolution highlights the historical and ongoing struggles of the Ukrainian people, including their fight for independence and sovereignty. It recognizes the sacrifices made by the Ukrainian military and civilians in defending their country against external threats and aggression.
Furthermore, the resolution expresses support for the Ukrainian government and people in their efforts to build a democratic and prosperous society. It reaffirms the United States' commitment to standing with Ukraine in its pursuit of freedom, democracy, and human rights.
Overall, Bill 118 HRES 332 serves as a symbolic gesture of solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people in their quest for peace and stability. It emphasizes the importance of upholding democratic values and principles in the face of challenges and threats to national security.
Congressional Summary of HRES 332
This resolution affirms that it is U.S. policy to see Ukraine prevail against the Russian invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders. The resolution also states that the peace brought by Ukraine's victory must be secured by integrating Ukraine into NATO and other Euroatlantic institutions.