For the People Act of 2021

2/22/2023, 7:22 PM

Congressional Summary of S 2093

For the People Act of 2021

This bill addresses voter access, election integrity and security, campaign finance, and ethics for the three branches of government.

Specifically, the bill expands voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration) and voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail and early voting). It also limits removing voters from voter rolls.

The bill requires states to establish independent redistricting commissions to carry out congressional redistricting.

Additionally, the bill sets forth provisions related to election security, including sharing intelligence information with state election officials, supporting states in securing their election systems, developing a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions, establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems.

Further, the bill addresses campaign finance, including by expanding the prohibition on campaign spending by foreign nationals, requiring additional disclosure of campaign-related fundraising and spending, requiring additional disclaimers regarding certain political advertising, and establishing an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices.

The bill addresses ethics in all three branches of government, including by requiring a code of conduct for Supreme Court Justices, prohibiting Members of the House from serving on the board of a for-profit entity, and establishing additional conflict-of-interest and ethics provisions for federal employees and the White House.

The bill requires the President, the Vice President, and certain candidates for those offices to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Current Status of Bill S 2093

Bill S 2093 is currently in the status of Bill Introduced since June 16, 2021. Bill S 2093 was introduced during Congress 117 and was introduced to the Senate on June 16, 2021.  Bill S 2093's most recent activity was Cloture motion on the motion to proceed to the measure withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate. (CR S6516-6517) as of September 15, 2021

Bipartisan Support of Bill S 2093

Total Number of Sponsors
Democrat Sponsors
Republican Sponsors
Unaffiliated Sponsors
Total Number of Cosponsors
Democrat Cosponsors
Republican Cosponsors
Unaffiliated Cosponsors

Policy Area and Potential Impact of Bill S 2093

Primary Policy Focus

Government Operations and Politics

Potential Impact Areas

Accounting and auditingAdministrative law and regulatory proceduresAdministrative remediesAdult day careAdvisory bodiesAviation and airportsBroadcasting, cable, digital technologiesBusiness recordsBuy American requirementsCensus and government statisticsChild care and developmentCivil actions and liabilityComputer security and identity theftCongressional agenciesCongressional districts and representationCongressional electionsCongressional operations and organizationCongressional oversightConstitution and constitutional amendmentsCorporate finance and managementCrime preventionCriminal investigation, prosecution, interrogationCriminal justice information and recordsCriminal procedure and sentencingDefense spendingDepartment of JusticeDigital mediaDiplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroadDisability and health-based discriminationDisability and paralysisDisability assistanceElection Assistance CommissionElections, voting, political campaign regulationEmergency medical services and trauma careEmployment and training programsEuropeEvidence and witnessesExecutive agency funding and structureFamily relationshipsFederal Election Commission (FEC)Federal district courtsFederal officialsFederal-Indian relationsFinancial services and investmentsForeign and international bankingForeign language and bilingual programsFraud offenses and financial crimesGovernment Publishing Office (GPO)Government employee pay, benefits, personnel managementGovernment ethics and transparency, public corruptionGovernment information and archivesGovernment studies and investigationsHealth care coverage and accessHouse of RepresentativesImmigration status and proceduresInfectious and parasitic diseasesIntelligence activities, surveillance, classified informationInternet and video servicesInternet, web applications, social mediaJudgesJudicial procedure and administrationJudicial review and appealsLabor-management relationsLegislative rules and procedureLibrary of CongressLicensing and registrationsMarketing and advertisingMembers of CongressMotor vehiclesNews media and reportingNorthern Mariana IslandsOffice of Government EthicsPerformance measurementPhotography and imagingPolitical advertisingPolitical parties and affiliationPostal servicePresidents and presidential powers, Vice PresidentsPublic contracts and procurementPublic participation and lobbyingPublic transitRight of privacyRural conditions and developmentRussiaSecuritiesSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC)Sound recordingState and local financeState and local government operationsSubversive activitiesSupreme CourtTax administration and collection, taxpayersTax-exempt organizationsTelephone and wireless communicationTelevision and filmTransportation costsTravel and tourismU.S. Postal ServiceU.S. territories and protectoratesVoting rights

Alternate Title(s) of Bill S 2093

Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports ActCLEAR ActConnecting Lobbyists and Electeds for Accountability and Reform ActSWAMP FLYERS ActStop Waste And Misuse by Presidential Flyers Landing Yet Evading Rules and Standards ActEthics in Public Service ActTransition Team Ethics Improvement ActConflicts from Political Fundraising Act of 2021Executive Branch Comprehensive Ethics Enforcement Act of 2021White House Ethics Transparency Act of 2021Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act of 2021Executive Branch Conflict of Interest ActStop Super PAC–Candidate Coordination ActRestoring Integrity to America’s Elections ActHelp America Run ActEmpower Act of 2021Fair Elections Now Act of 2021Presidential Inaugural Committee Oversight ActStand By Every Ad ActHonest Ads ActDISCLOSE Act of 2021Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2021Prevent Election Hacking Act of 2021Election Security ActSave Voters ActStop Automatically Voiding Eligible Voters Off Their Enlisted Rolls in States ActRedistricting Reform Act of 2021Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2021Democracy Restoration Act of 2021Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021Voter Registration Efficiency ActAutomatic Voter Registration Act of 2021Voter Registration Modernization Act of 2021Voter Empowerment Act of 2021For the People Act of 2021For the People Act of 2021A bill to expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.
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