Calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed, a United States citizen who was unjustly found guilty and sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison.

3/8/2023, 7:58 PM

Summary of Bill HRES 186

Bill 117 H.Res. 186 is a resolution introduced in the US Congress calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed, a US citizen who was unjustly found guilty and sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison. The resolution highlights the concerns about the lack of due process and transparency in Trevor Reed's case, as well as the reports of mistreatment and abuse he has faced while in custody.

The resolution emphasizes the importance of protecting the rights of US citizens abroad and calls on the Russian government to uphold its international obligations to ensure fair treatment and due process for all individuals in its custody. It also urges the US government to continue to advocate for Trevor Reed's release and to take all necessary steps to secure his safe return to the United States.

Overall, Bill 117 H.Res. 186 seeks to bring attention to Trevor Reed's case and to mobilize support for his immediate release from prison in Russia. It underscores the importance of upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of US citizens, no matter where they may be.

Congressional Summary of HRES 186

This resolution calls on the Russian government to immediately release Trevor Reed, a U.S. citizen, and all other political prisoners. It also condemns the Russian government's use of politically motivated imprisonment.

Current Status of Bill HRES 186

Bill HRES 186 is currently in the status of Bill Introduced since March 3, 2021. Bill HRES 186 was introduced during Congress 117 and was introduced to the House on March 3, 2021.  Bill HRES 186's most recent activity was Pursuant to section 8 of H. Res. 504, and the motion offered by Mr. McGovern, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 1500, as amended; H.R. 2471, as amended; H.R. 3261; H.R. 3283, as amended; and H.R. 3385, as amended; and the following resolutions were agreed to under suspension of the rules: H. Res. 186; and H. Res. 402, as amended. (consideration: CR H3258-3262; text: CR H3261) as of June 29, 2021

Bipartisan Support of Bill HRES 186

Total Number of Sponsors
Democrat Sponsors
Republican Sponsors
Unaffiliated Sponsors
Total Number of Cosponsors
Democrat Cosponsors
Republican Cosponsors
Unaffiliated Cosponsors

Policy Area and Potential Impact of Bill HRES 186

Primary Policy Focus

International Affairs

Potential Impact Areas

Detention of personsDiplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroadEuropeHealth information and medical recordsHealth technology, devices, suppliesHuman rightsInternational law and treatiesProtest and dissentRule of law and government transparencyRussia

Alternate Title(s) of Bill HRES 186

Calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed, a United States citizen who was unjustly found guilty and sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison.Calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed, a United States citizen who was unjustly found guilty and sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison.
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