VA Preventing Duplicate Payments Act of 2022
This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish policies and procedures for the detection and prevention of duplicate billings and payments of non-VA health care providers under the Veterans Community Care Program
Such policies and procedures should compare billings or payments made by the VA for a medical service to a billing or payment made for the same service by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under the Medicare program or the Department of Defense (DOD) under the TRICARE program.
The VA, the CMS, and DOD must (1) enter into data-matching agreements to share and match relevant data in the systems of records for the purposes of this bill, and (2) establish and implement policies that clarify which department or agency is financially responsible for payment or reimbursement for a medical service. The established policies must also provide for the recoupment of payments if duplicate payments are made for the same medical service.