Stop Wasteful Federal Bonuses Act of 2015
(Sec. 2) This bill prohibits a federal agency from awarding a bonus to any employee for five years after the end of a fiscal year in which the agency makes an adverse finding relating to the employee. An "adverse finding" is a determination that an employee's conduct violated: (1) a policy of the agency for which the employee may be removed or suspended for at least 14 days, or (2) a law for which the employee may be imprisoned for more than one year.
The bill requires an agency to issue an order directing an employee to repay a bonus awarded in any year in which such a finding is made. As a condition of receiving a bonus awarded after this Act's enactment, an employee must certify that he or she shall repay the bonus in accordance with such an order.
An employee deemed to be ineligible for a bonus or against whom a repayment order is issued may appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board.