1/11/2023, 1:33 PM

Congressional Summary of HR 6062

Supporting, Employing, and Recognizing Veterans in Communities Everywhere Act or the SERVICE Act


This bill establishes in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection and expands VA whistleblower protections.

The VA may remove and suspend (without pay) employees based on performance or misconduct that threatens the health and safety of veterans.

The VA: (1) shall reduce the federal annuity of an individual removed from the VA Senior Executive Service (SES) who is convicted of a felony that influenced his or her performance; (2) may reduce the federal annuity of an individual who was convicted of such a felony and was subject to removal or transfer from the SES but who left the VA before final action was taken; and (3) may recoup awards, bonus, or relocation expenses paid to a VA employee who has committed an act of fraud, waste, or malfeasance.


The VA may enter into contracts or agreements with eligible providers to furnish hospital care and medical services to electing, eligible veterans, which include veterans who are unable to schedule an appointment with a VA health care provider within a specified time frame or who do not reside within 40 miles of a VA medical facility. Such provisions may be referred to as the Veterans Choice Program.

VA emergency treatment reimbursement in non-VA facilities shall include reimbursement for urgent care.

The bill: (1) expands and makes permanent the VA childcare program for beneficiaries,and (2) provides for adoption assistance for certain disabled veterans.

The caregiver support program is terminated on October 1, 2020.

The bill: (1) authorizes the transfer of entitlement to Post 9/11 education assistance to family members by veterans who are retired for a physical disability or who are seriously injured veterans in need of family caregiver services, without regard to length-of-service requirements; (2) expands the family caregiver program; (3) establishes the Office of Health Care Quality in the Veterans Health Administration; and (4) revises physician recruitment and retention provisions.

The VA shall: (1) report annually, through 2020, on disability claims based on a mental health condition alleged to have been incurred or aggravated by military sexual trauma; (2) establish a pilot program for veterans with chronic pain issues, including those veterans who are dependent on opioids; and (3) establish a center of excellence for the treatment of burn pit and other environmental exposures.


The bill increases oversight of schools eligible to receive veterans benefits and increases counseling and access to information for student veterans.

The VA shall establish: (1) an interagency working group to share information on education programs that employ deceptive or misleading practices, and (2) the Grow Our Own Directive (G.O.O.D.) pilot program to provide educational assistance to certain former members of the Armed Forces for education and training as VA physician assistants.

If, as a result of a permanent school closure, a veteran is forced to discontinue a course, did not receive credit, or lost training time toward completion of the education program, VA educational assistance payments shall not be: (1) charged against the individual's entitlement to educational assistance, or (2) counted against the aggregate assistance period.

Certain reserves active duty time shall be considered for purposes of Post-9/11 educational assistance eligibility.


The bill amends the disability benefits appeals process.

The definition of "spouse" is amended for purposes of veterans' benefits to require the VA to recognize a marriage based on the law of the state where the marriage occurred. A marriage that occurs outside a state shall be recognized if such marriage is lawful in the place where it occurs and could have been entered into under the laws of any state.

The bill allows the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability.

The bill extends for two years: (1) the VA presumption of service connection for diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicides, including Agent Orange, with respect to specified veterans who served in Vietnam; and (2) VA authority to enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences to evaluate evidence regarding associations between diseases and exposure to dioxin and other chemical compounds in herbicides, including herbicides used in military operations in the Vietnam and each disease suspected to be associated with such exposure.


VA homeless veterans reintegration programs are extended.

The VA shall begin a three-year pilot program to assess the feasibility of awarding grants to eligible entities to purchase and renovate abandoned homes for homeless veterans.

The bill establishes the Veterans Homelessness Grant Fund.


The Department of Defense (DOD) may carry out a pilot program to enhance DOD efforts to provide job placement assistance and related employment services directly to members of the National Guard and Reserves and veterans of the Armed Forces.

The VA may, in awarding a contract or task order for the procurement of goods or services, give preference to offerors based on the percentage of their full-time employees who are veterans.

The Department of of Labor shall carry out a five-year pilot program to award grants to manufacturing employers and labor-management organizations that provide eligible veterans with training, apprenticeships, and certification.


No funds may be appropriated for any major medical facility lease unless the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives adopt resolutions approving the lease.

The VA shall: (1) enter into partnership agreements with appropriate non-federal entities for major construction projects, and (2) carry out a pilot program to accept the donation of medical facilities and related property.

The VA may carry out: (1) certain leases at the Department of Veterans Affairs West Los Angeles Campus in Los Angeles, California; and (2) a major medical facility lease for an outpatient clinic in Oxnard, California.


The Department of Homeland Security shall: (1) establish a program to permit eligible deported noncitizen veterans to enter the United States as, and to permit eligible noncitizen veterans in the United States to adjust their status to that of, a noncitizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence; and (2) cancel the removal of eligible noncitizen veterans and allow them to similarly adjust their status.

Each military department shall ensure that its oral historians review the circumstances surrounding members of the Armed Forces who were discharged between World War II and September 2011 because of their sexual orientation.

Certain service performed before July 1, 1946, in the organized military forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Scouts is deemed to be active military service for VA benefits purposes.

Current Status of Bill HR 6062

Bill HR 6062 is currently in the status of Bill Introduced since September 15, 2016. Bill HR 6062 was introduced during Congress 114 and was introduced to the House on September 15, 2016.  Bill HR 6062's most recent activity was Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel. as of October 19, 2016

Bipartisan Support of Bill HR 6062

Total Number of Sponsors
Democrat Sponsors
Republican Sponsors
Unaffiliated Sponsors
Total Number of Cosponsors
Democrat Cosponsors
Republican Cosponsors
Unaffiliated Cosponsors

Policy Area and Potential Impact of Bill HR 6062

Primary Policy Focus

Armed Forces and National Security

Potential Impact Areas

Administrative law and regulatory proceduresAdministrative remediesAfghanistanAllergiesAsiaBorder security and unlawful immigrationCaliforniaCardiovascular and respiratory healthCemeteries and funeralsChild care and developmentCitizenship and naturalizationConflicts and warsCongressional oversightConsumer affairsCrimes against womenDepartment of DefenseDepartment of Veterans AffairsDisability and paralysisDisability assistanceEducation programs fundingEducational guidanceEmployee hiringEmployee leaveEmployment and training programsEnvironmental assessment, monitoring, researchEnvironmental healthEvidence and witnessesExecutive agency funding and structureFederal officialsFinancial services and investmentsFiresGovernment buildings, facilities, and propertyGovernment employee pay, benefits, personnel managementGovernment information and archivesGovernment studies and investigationsGovernment trust fundsHazardous wastes and toxic substancesHealth care qualityHealth facilities and institutionsHealth information and medical recordsHealth personnelHealth programs administration and fundingHealth promotion and preventive careHigher educationHomelessness and emergency shelterHousing and community development fundingImmigration status and proceduresImmunology and vaccinationIraqLand use and conservationLaosLawyers and legal servicesLicensing and registrationsMarketing and advertisingMedical educationMedical researchMedical tests and diagnostic methodsMental healthMiddle EastMilitary historyMilitary medicineMilitary operations and strategyMilitary personnel and dependentsMilitary readinessNational Guard and reservesNeurological disordersPerformance measurementPersonnel recordsPhilippinesResearch administration and fundingResidential rehabilitation and home repairSex offensesSex, gender, sexual orientation discriminationStudent aid and college costsTeaching, teachers, curriculaVeterans' education, employment, rehabilitationVeterans' loans, housing, homeless programsVeterans' medical careVeterans' organizations and recognitionVeterans' pensions and compensationVietnamVocational and technical education

Alternate Title(s) of Bill HR 6062

SERVICE ActSERVICE ActSupporting, Employing, and Recognizing Veterans in Communities Everywhere ActTo amend title 38, United States Code, to make certain improvements in the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.
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