Small Business Easy Contract Compliance Enhancement and List Act of 2016 or the Small Business ECCEL Act
This bill amends the Small Business Act to require each Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization of the Small Business Administration (SBA) to assist a small business concern awarded a federal contract or subcontract under the Act, or under military or civilian procurement law, in finding resources for education and training on compliance with contracting regulations (including the Federal Acquisition Regulation [FAR]) after such an award.
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 is amended to require agreements under the Mentor-Protege Program of Department of Defense (DOD) to include, if applicable, the assistance the mentor firm will give the protege firm in understanding contract regulations of the federal government and the DOD (including the FAR and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement) after the award of a subcontract.
The Small Business Act is amended to require the SBA to give small business development centers and entities participating in the Procurement Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program, and make available on the SBA website, a list of resources for small business concerns seeking education and assistance on post-award compliance with contracting regulations.
Each procurement center representative may assist small business concerns in finding such education and training resources.
The SBA, with respect to a non-DOD mentor-protege program, shall issue regulations to address the extent to which assistance to improve the ability of proteges to compete for federal prime contracts and subcontracts complies with post-award federal contracting requirements.