(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)
Transnational Drug Trafficking Act of 2015
(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act to broaden the scope of persons subject to criminal prosecution for manufacturing or distributing a controlled substance in schedule I or II, a precursor chemical, or flunitrazepam for unlawful import into the United States. The Controlled Substances Act classifies drugs, substances, and chemicals used to make drugs into one of five schedules based on the drug's medical use, potential for abuse, and risk of dependence.
Current law prohibits such manufacture or distribution by a person who knows or intends that the substance or chemical will be unlawfully imported. This bill broadens the scope to also prohibit such manufacture or distribution by a person who reasonably believes that the substance or chemical will be unlawfully imported.
In addition, this bill prohibits the manufacture or distribution of a precursor chemical by a person who: (1) knows or intends that the chemical will be used to manufacture a controlled substance; and (2) knows, intends, or reasonably believes that the controlled substance will be unlawfully imported into the United States.
(Sec. 3) The legislation amends the federal criminal code to replace statutory references to prohibited trafficking in a "counterfeit drug" with references to prohibited trafficking in a "drug that uses a counterfeit mark on or in connection with the drug."