Administrative law and regulatory procedures•
Adoption and foster care•
Border security and unlawful immigration•
Broadcasting, cable, digital technologies•
Budget deficits and national debt•
Budget process•
Business expenses•
Capital gains tax•
Child care and development•
Child health•
Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits•
Defense spending•
Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad•
Drug trafficking and controlled substances•
Drug, alcohol, tobacco use•
Economic performance and conditions•
Education programs funding•
Employment and training programs•
Family relationships•
Family services•
Fraud offenses and financial crimes•
Government corporations and government-sponsored enterprises•
Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management•
Government trust funds•
Health care costs and insurance•
Health care coverage and access•
Health programs administration and funding•
Housing and community development funding•
Human trafficking•
Income tax credits•
Income tax deductions•
Income tax deferral•
Income tax exclusion•
Income tax rates•
Inflation and prices•
Infrastructure development•
Intellectual property•
Legislative rules and procedure•
Mental health•
North America•
Nutrition and diet•
Oil and gas•
Postal service•
Poverty and welfare assistance•
Prescription drugs•
Sex and reproductive health•
Small business•
Smuggling and trafficking•
Social security and elderly assistance•
Tax reform and tax simplification•
Tax treatment of families•
Taxation of foreign income•
Transfer and inheritance taxes•
Transportation programs funding•
Veterans' medical care•
Women's health