Preventing Runaway Inflation in Consumer Expenditures Act or the PRICE Act
This bill establishes a point of order that prohibits the Senate from considering legislation that would cause a net increase in outlays unless the Congressional Budget Office certifies that inflation is below 3%. The point of order may be waived by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Senate.
Preventing Runaway Inflation in Consumer Expenditures Act or the PRICE Act
This bill establishes a point of order that prohibits the Senate from considering legislation that would cause a net increase in outlays unless the Congressional Budget Office certifies that inflation is below 3%. The point of order may be waived by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Senate.
Preventing Runaway Inflation in Consumer Expenditures Act or the PRICE Act
This bill establishes a point of order that prohibits the Senate from considering legislation that would cause a net increase in outlays unless the...