Health Care Improvement Act of 2021

1/11/2023, 1:46 PM

Health Care Improvement Act of 2021

This bill makes various changes to the health care marketplace, such as expanding premium assistance, encouraging states to expand Medicaid, and establishing a public health insurance option.

First, the bill expands the premium tax credit that provides assistance, based on household income, for the cost of insurance plans purchased through an exchange. The bill also provides funding for state reinsurance payments to health insurance issuers and funding for insurance-related costs for individuals enrolled in plans through individual marketplaces. It also rescinds certain rules and guidance related to short-term, limited duration plans and the state innovation waiver program.

Additionally, the bill begins the seven-year period of federal assistance for states expanding coverage under Medicaid when a state expands coverage and the bill reduces assistance to states that do not expand coverage.

Further, the bill establishes a public health insurance option that is available through individual marketplaces. Providers participating in Medicare or Medicaid also must participate in the public option.

The bill also makes changes with respect to payments for rural health providers and permits small group market plans to be offered across state lines.

The bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to negotiate with manufacturers for the prices of prescription drugs offered through Medicare.

Finally, the bill establishes guidelines for employers to provide information about available health coverage and requires the Government Accountability Office to evaluate the employer notification process for the advance payment of premium tax credits.


S - 352

Introduced on

# Amendments


Variations and Revisions


Status of Legislation

Bill Introduced
Introduced to House
House to Vote
Introduced to Senate
Senate to Vote

Purpose and Summary

Health Care Improvement Act of 2021

This bill makes various changes to the health care marketplace, such as expanding premium assistance, encouraging states to expand Medicaid, and establishing a public health insurance option.

First, the bill expands the premium tax credit that provides assistance, based on household income, for the cost of insurance plans purchased through an exchange. The bill also provides funding for state reinsurance payments to health insurance issuers and funding for insurance-related costs for individuals enrolled in plans through individual marketplaces. It also rescinds certain rules and guidance related to short-term, limited duration plans and the state innovation waiver program.

Additionally, the bill begins the seven-year period of federal assistance for states expanding coverage under Medicaid when a state expands coverage and the bill reduces assistance to states that do not expand coverage.

Further, the bill establishes a public health insurance option that is available through individual marketplaces. Providers participating in Medicare or Medicaid also must participate in the public option.

The bill also makes changes with respect to payments for rural health providers and permits small group market plans to be offered across state lines.

The bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to negotiate with manufacturers for the prices of prescription drugs offered through Medicare.

Finally, the bill establishes guidelines for employers to provide information about available health coverage and requires the Government Accountability Office to evaluate the employer notification process for the advance payment of premium tax credits.

Alternative Names
Official Title as IntroducedA bill to amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to reduce health care costs and expand health care coverage to more Americans.

Policy Areas

Potential Impact
Administrative law and regulatory procedures
American Samoa
Cardiovascular and respiratory health
Caribbean area
Child health
Congressional oversight
Consumer affairs
Department of the Treasury
Economic performance and conditions
Emergency medical services and trauma care
Employee benefits and pensions
Government information and archives
Government studies and investigations
Government trust funds
Health care costs and insurance
Health care coverage and access
Health information and medical records
Health programs administration and funding
Health promotion and preventive care
Income tax credits
Infectious and parasitic diseases
Intergovernmental relations
Northern Mariana Islands
Personnel records
Poverty and welfare assistance
Puerto Rico
Right of privacy
State and local finance
State and local government operations
Tax administration and collection, taxpayers
Tax treatment of families
Tax-exempt organizations
U.S. territories and protectorates
User charges and fees
Virgin Islands


Recent Activity

Latest Summary8/1/2021

Health Care Improvement Act of 2021

This bill makes various changes to the health care marketplace, such as expanding premium assistance, encouraging states to expand Medicaid, and establishing a public health insurance ...

Latest Action2/22/2021
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.