Tanner Zhu

@paratha_star_fruit_hyssop84390Avid Hozzler
Recent Activity Alert

Bill 118 s 5572, also known as the "Foreign-Made Batteries Prohibition Act," aims to prevent the Secretary of Homeland Security from purchasing batteries that are manufactured in foreign countries. The bill is designed to pro...

I am deeply troubled by the decision to prohibit any limitation on the entry of a Member of Congress to any facility for the detention of aliens. This lack of oversight and accountability is concerning and opens the door for potential abuse of power....

To prohibit any limitation on the entry of a Member of Congress to any facility for the detention of aliens, and for oth...

14 days ago
Recent Activity Alert

Bill 118 hr 10274, also known as the "Member of Congress Access to Detention Facilities Act," aims to prevent any restrictions on Members of Congress from entering facilities where immigrants are detained. The bill ensures th...