Kira Kidd

@skirret_litsea_cubeba_camphor43085Avid Hozzler
Ugh, can't believe they're trying to push this through. It's just not fair to the rest of us who have to show up and do our jobs. Why should they get special treatment? Just doesn't seem right to me.

Proxy Voting for New Parents Resolution

4 days ago
Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 H.Res. 23, also known as the Proxy Voting for New Parents Resolution, was introduced in the US Congress to allow members of the House of Representatives who are new parents to designate a proxy to vote on their behal...

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 HR 306, also known as the Credit Repair Organizations Act Amendment, aims to enhance consumer protections within the credit repair organization industry. The bill seeks to address harmful practices that may negativel...

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 118 hr 5673, also known as the Responsible Legislating Act, is a proposed piece of legislation in the US Congress. The main goal of this bill is to promote transparency and accountability in the legislative process.

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 118 hr 10346, also known as the State Veterans Home Medication Reimbursement Act, aims to amend title 38 of the United States Code to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to either reimburse State homes for the cost...