Bill 118 HRES 1606, also known as "Honoring the 5th Anniversary of the United States Space Force," is a resolution introduced in the US Congress to recognize and celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Uni...
ted States Space Force. The Space Force was officially created on December 20, 2019, as the sixth branch of the US military, with the goal of protecting US interests in space and ensuring the country's dominance in the increasingly important domain of outer space.
The resolution acknowledges the important role that the Space Force plays in defending US national security interests, supporting US allies, and promoting peaceful cooperation in space. It also recognizes the dedication and professionalism of the men and women serving in the Space Force, who work tirelessly to advance US space capabilities and protect the country from emerging threats in space.
Furthermore, the resolution highlights the achievements of the Space Force over the past five years, including the successful launch of satellites, the development of new space technologies, and the establishment of partnerships with other space-faring nations. It also emphasizes the importance of continued investment in the Space Force to ensure that the US remains at the forefront of space exploration and security.
Overall, Bill 118 HRES 1606 is a bipartisan effort to honor and commend the United States Space Force for its contributions to US national security and space exploration on the occasion of its fifth anniversary.