Bill 118 s 5514, also known as the "Common Interest Community Disaster Recovery Act," aims to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide assistance for common interest communities, co...
ndominiums, and housing cooperatives that have been damaged by a major disaster.
The bill recognizes that these types of housing structures often face unique challenges in recovering from natural disasters, as they are collectively owned and managed by multiple individuals. The proposed amendments would ensure that these communities are eligible for federal disaster assistance, including grants and loans, to help with repairs and rebuilding efforts.
In addition to providing financial assistance, the bill also includes provisions to improve disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts for common interest communities. This includes requiring these communities to have disaster response plans in place and to meet certain building code standards to better withstand future disasters.
Overall, Bill 118 s 5514 seeks to address the specific needs of common interest communities, condominiums, and housing cooperatives in the aftermath of major disasters, ensuring that they have the support and resources necessary to recover and rebuild.