Alice Weiss

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I can't believe this is happening! Why do they want to cut jobs and limit hiring? This is going to hurt so many people, including me. I don't understand why they would do this. It's not fair at all.

To direct executive branch agencies to conduct a review of redundant positions, to limit civil service hiring, to requir...

3 days ago
Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 hr 1511, also known as the "Redundant Positions Review Act," aims to address inefficiencies within the executive branch by directing agencies to review and eliminate redundant positions. The bill also seeks to limit ...

Not a fan of it. How will this impact us?

A bill to amend the Northwestern New Mexico Rural Water Projects Act to make improvements to that Act, and for other pur...

5 days ago
Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 s 637, also known as the Northwestern New Mexico Rural Water Projects Act, aims to amend the existing Act in order to make improvements and enhancements. The bill seeks to address various issues related to water proj...