Christopher Smith believes in promoting economic growth through lower taxes, reduced government spending, and supporting small businesses. He also advocates for job creation and workforce development programs.
Christopher Smith supports policies that benefit farmers and agricultural businesses, such as crop insurance programs, subsidies, and trade agreements that open up markets for American agricultural products.
Christopher Smith is in favor of securing the border, enforcing immigration laws, and implementing a merit-based immigration system. He also supports providing a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants who meet certain criteria.
Christopher Smith believes in increasing school choice options, improving teacher quality, and reducing federal involvement in education. He also supports vocational training programs and expanding access to higher education.
Christopher Smith advocates for an all-of-the-above energy strategy, including increased domestic production of oil and natural gas, investment in renewable energy sources, and promoting energy independence.
Climate change
Christopher Smith acknowledges the reality of climate change and supports efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through market-based solutions, technological innovation, and international cooperation.
Christopher Smith believes in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act with a market-based healthcare system that increases choice and reduces costs. He also supports protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions.
Christopher Smith advocates for policies that increase access to affordable housing, reduce homelessness, and promote homeownership. He also supports programs that assist low-income individuals and families with housing needs.
Christopher Smith supports investing in infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation systems, to improve safety, reduce congestion, and stimulate economic growth. He also advocates for sustainable transportation options.
Veterans affairs
Christopher Smith is a strong advocate for veterans and supports policies that improve healthcare, mental health services, and job training programs for veterans. He also works to address issues such as homelessness and suicide prevention among veterans.
Voting rights
Christopher Smith believes in protecting the integrity of elections, ensuring voter ID requirements, and preventing voter fraud. He also supports measures to increase voter turnout and accessibility to the voting process.