This joint resolution nullifies the final rule issued by the Federal Communications Commission titled Addressing the Homework Gap Through the E-Rate Program and published on August 20, 2024. The rule permits schools and libraries participating in the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support program (E-Rate) to purchase discounted Wi-Fi hotspots and associated mobile connectivity service for off-premises use by students, school staff, and library patrons. Under the rule, E-Rate participants must implement acceptable use policies that require hotspots to be used primarily for educational purposes. Â
This joint resolution nullifies the final rule issued by the Federal Communications Commission titled Addressing the Homework Gap Through the E-Rate Program and published on August 20, 2024. The rule permits schools and libraries participating in the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support program (E-Rate) to purchase discounted Wi-Fi hotspots and associated mobile connectivity service for off-premises use by students, school staff, and library patrons. Under the rule, E-Rate participants must implement acceptable use policies that require hotspots to be used primarily for educational purposes. Â
This joint resolution nullifies the final rule issued by the Federal Communications Commission titled Addressing the Homework Gap Through the E-Rate Program and published on August 20, 2024. The rule permits schools and libraries particip...