Transparent Representation Upholding Service and Trust in Congress Act or the TRUST in Congress Act
This bill requires a Member of Congress, as well as any spouse or dependent child of a Member, to place specified investments into a qualified blind trust (i.e., an arrangement in which certain financial holdings are placed in someone else's control to avoid a possible conflict of interest) until 180 days after the end of their tenure as a Member of Congress.
Transparent Representation Upholding Service and Trust in Congress Act or the TRUST in Congress Act
This bill requires a Member of Congress, as well as any spouse or dependent child of a Member, to place specified investments into a qualified blind trust (i.e., an arrangement in which certain financial holdings are placed in someone else's control to avoid a possible conflict of interest) until 180 days after the end of their tenure as a Member of Congress.
Transparent Representation Upholding Service and Trust in Congress Act or the TRUST in Congress Act
This bill requires a Member of Congress, as well as any spouse or dependent child of a Member, to place specified investments into a ...