Bill 118 sjres 86 is a joint resolution in the US Congress that aims to disapprove of a rule submitted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service regarding regulations for interagency cooperation on endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. The resolution falls under chapter 8 of title 5 of the United States Code, which allows Congress to review and potentially overturn federal agency rules.
The rule in question, proposed by the Fish and Wildlife Service, pertains to how different government agencies work together to protect endangered and threatened species of wildlife and plants. The resolution seeks to challenge and reject this rule, indicating that Congress does not agree with the approach or content of the regulation.
If passed, this joint resolution would effectively nullify the rule put forth by the Fish and Wildlife Service, preventing it from being implemented and enforced. This action would require the agency to go back to the drawing board and potentially revise their regulations based on feedback and input from Congress.
Overall, Bill 118 sjres 86 represents a significant step in the legislative process, as Congress exercises its authority to review and potentially overturn federal agency rules that impact the protection of endangered and threatened species in the United States.