America's Outdoor Recreation Act of 2023
This bill addresses issues regarding public recreation and access to recreation on federal lands and waters, including special recreation permits for outfitting and guiding.
Among other provisions, the bill requires
Interior and the Forest Service must conduct a single inventory and assessment of recreation resources for federal recreational lands and waters and publish the inventory and assessment for public comment.
Interior shall establish a Federal Interagency Council on Outdoor Recreation.
Interior and the Forest Service must (1) alert the public to closure or disruption of public campsites, trails, roads, and other public areas and access points; and (2) develop and make public a national strategy to increase the number of youth recreation visits to federal land.
The bill provides for online collection of recreation fees and for the establishment of a digital version of America the Beautiful--The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes.
America's Outdoor Recreation Act of 2023
This bill addresses issues regarding public recreation and access to recreation on federal lands and waters, including special recreation permits for outfitting and guiding.
Interior and the Forest Service must conduct a single inventory and assessment of recreation resources for federal recreational lands and waters and publish the inventory and assessment for public comment.
Interior shall establish a Federal Interagency Council on Outdoor Recreation.
Interior and the Forest Service must (1) alert the public to closure or disruption of public campsites, trails, roads, and other public areas and access points; and (2) develop and make public a national strategy to increase the number of youth recreation visits to federal land.
The bill provides for online collection of recreation fees and for the establishment of a digital version of America the Beautiful--The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes.