Administrative remedies•
Adoption and foster care•
Adult education and literacy•
Advisory bodies•
Alternative treatments•
Aviation and airports•
Birth defects•
Blood and blood diseases•
Border security and unlawful immigration•
Broadcasting, cable, digital technologies•
Building construction•
Cardiovascular and respiratory health•
Cell biology and embryology•
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)•
Child care and development•
Child health•
Child safety and welfare•
Computers and information technology•
Congressional oversight•
Corporation for National and Community Service•
Corporation for Public Broadcasting•
Crime victims•
Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation•
Cultural exchanges and relations•
Dental care•
Department of Education•
Department of Health and Human Services•
Department of Labor•
Detention of persons•
Digestive and metabolic diseases•
Disability and paralysis•
Disability assistance•
District of Columbia•
Drug trafficking and controlled substances•
Drug, alcohol, tobacco use•
Education of the disadvantaged•
Education programs funding•
Educational facilities and institutions•
Elementary and secondary education•
Emergency medical services and trauma care•
Emergency planning and evacuation•
Employee benefits and pensions•
Employment and training programs•
Employment discrimination and employee rights•
Energy assistance for the poor and aged•
Environmental health•
Executive agency funding and structure•
Family planning and birth control•
Family relationships•
Family services•
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service•
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission•
Federal officials•
Firearms and explosives•
Foreign labor•
Foreign language and bilingual programs•
Fraud offenses and financial crimes•
Government buildings, facilities, and property•
Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management•
Government information and archives•
Government lending and loan guarantees•
Government trust funds•
Health care costs and insurance•
Health care coverage and access•
Health care quality•
Health personnel•
Health promotion and preventive care•
Health technology, devices, supplies•
Hearing, speech, and vision care•
Hereditary and development disorders•
Higher education•
Homelessness and emergency shelter•
Human trafficking•
Immigrant health and welfare•
Immunology and vaccination•
Indian social and development programs•
Infectious and parasitic diseases•
Inflation and prices•
Intergovernmental relations•
International exchange and broadcasting•
Internet, web applications, social media•
Labor standards•
Labor-management relations•
Law enforcement administration and funding•
Law enforcement officers•
Libraries and archives•
Medical education•
Medical research•
Medical tests and diagnostic methods•
Mental health•
Migrant, seasonal, agricultural labor•
Minority education•
Minority health•
Musculoskeletal and skin diseases•
Museums, exhibitions, cultural centers•
National Council on Disability•
National Institutes of Health (NIH)•
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)•
National Mediation Board•
National and community service•
Neurological disorders•
New Hampshire•
New York State•
North Carolina•
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission•
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation•
Photography and imaging•
Poverty and welfare assistance•
Preschool education•
Protection of officials•
Public contracts and procurement•
Railroad Retirement Board•
Refugees, asylum, displaced persons•
Research administration and funding•
Research and development•
Rural conditions and development•
School administration•
Sex and reproductive health•
Sexually transmitted diseases•
Smuggling and trafficking•
Social Security Administration•
Social security and elderly assistance•
South Carolina•
Special education•
State and local finance•
State and local government operations•
Student aid and college costs•
Teenage pregnancy•
Veterans' education, employment, rehabilitation•
Veterans' loans, housing, homeless programs•
Veterans' medical care•
Vocational and technical education•
Wages and earnings•
West Virginia•
Women's employment•
Women's health•
Worker safety and health•
World health•
Youth employment and child labor