The Sensible Classification Act of 2023, also known as Bill 118 s 1518, is a piece of legislation currently being considered by the US Congress. The main goal of this bill is to reform the way that certain substances are classified under federal law.
Under the current system, substances are classified into different schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical use. The Sensible Classification Act aims to create a more evidence-based approach to classifying substances by requiring the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a thorough review of the scientific evidence before making any classification decisions.
Additionally, the bill seeks to remove barriers to research on controlled substances by streamlining the approval process for research studies and allowing researchers greater access to these substances for study purposes.
Overall, the Sensible Classification Act of 2023 aims to modernize the classification system for controlled substances and promote a more rational and evidence-based approach to drug policy in the United States.