Administrative law and regulatory procedures•
Agricultural practices and innovations•
Alternative and renewable resources•
Building construction•
Climate change and greenhouse gases•
Community life and organization•
Computers and information technology•
Congressional oversight•
Department of Agriculture•
Department of the Interior•
Emergency planning and evacuation•
Environmental assessment, monitoring, research•
Executive agency funding and structure•
Federal officials•
First responders and emergency personnel•
Forests, forestry, trees•
Geography and mapping•
Government information and archives•
Government studies and investigations•
Hazardous wastes and toxic substances•
Horticulture and plants•
Indian lands and resources rights•
Intergovernmental relations•
Internet, web applications, social media•
Judicial procedure and administration•
Judicial review and appeals•
Land use and conservation•
Licensing and registrations•
Motor fuels•
Public contracts and procurement•
Public participation and lobbying•
Public-private cooperation•
Research and development•
Roads and highways•
Rural conditions and development•
Soil pollution•
State and local finance•
State and local government operations•
Technology transfer and commercialization•
Water use and supply•
Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats•
Wildlife conservation and habitat protection