Federally Integrated Species Health Act or the FISH Act
This bill gives the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) the sole authority to protect endangered or threatened species that are anadromous species (species of fish that spawn in fresh or estuarine waters and that migrate to ocean waters) or catadromous species (species of fish that spawn in ocean waters and migrate to fresh or estuarine waters). Currently, the FWS shares this authority with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Federally Integrated Species Health Act or the FISH Act
This bill gives the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) the sole authority to protect endangered or threatened species that are anadromous species (species of fish that spawn in fresh or estuarine waters and that migrate to ocean waters) or catadromous species (species of fish that spawn in ocean waters and migrate to fresh or estuarine waters). Currently, the FWS shares this authority with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Federally Integrated Species Health Act or the FISH Act
This bill gives the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) the sole authority to protect endangered or threatened species that are anadromous species (species of fish that spawn in fr...