Preventing Illegal Laboratories and Protecting Public Health Act of 2024
This bill requires sellers of highly infectious agents to maintain a logbook of sales and requires a designated official to evaluate high-containment laboratories. Sellers of highly infectious agents must maintain an electronic list, or logbook, with specific information on each sale. Sales are prohibited unless the prospective purchaser provides identification and signs the logbook. A purchaser that falsifies a logbook may be subject to criminal penalties. The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response must administer the logbook program and maintain a list of all highly infectious agents.
In addition, a federal official, designated by the National Security Advisor, must oversee a periodic strategic evaluation of high-containment laboratories in the United States. Each strategic evaluation must include an assessment and national standards, developed by the designated official, for the development and operation of high-containment laboratories. The designated official must maintain a team to serve as the federal government’s primary point of contact for state and local agencies on issues relating to laboratory biosafety and biosecurity.
Preventing Illegal Laboratories and Protecting Public Health Act of 2024
This bill requires sellers of highly infectious agents to maintain a logbook of sales and requires a designated official to evaluate high-containment laboratories. Sellers of highly infectious agents must maintain an electronic list, or logbook, with specific information on each sale. Sales are prohibited unless the prospective purchaser provides identification and signs the logbook. A purchaser that falsifies a logbook may be subject to criminal penalties. The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response must administer the logbook program and maintain a list of all highly infectious agents.
In addition, a federal official, designated by the National Security Advisor, must oversee a periodic strategic evaluation of high-containment laboratories in the United States. Each strategic evaluation must include an assessment and national standards, developed by the designated official, for the development and operation of high-containment laboratories. The designated official must maintain a team to serve as the federal government’s primary point of contact for state and local agencies on issues relating to laboratory biosafety and biosecurity.
Preventing Illegal Laboratories and Protecting Public Health Act of 2024
This bill requires sellers of highly infectious agents to maintain a logbook of sales and requires a designated official to evaluate high-containment l...
In addition, a federal official, designated by the National Security Advisor, must oversee a periodic strategic evaluation of high-containment laboratories in the United States. Each strategic evaluation must include an assessment and national standards, developed by the designated official, for the development and operation of high-containment laboratories. The designated official must maintain a team to serve as the federal government’s primary point of contact for state and local agencies on issues relating to laboratory biosafety and biosecurity.