Promoting Affordable Childcare for Everyone Act or the PACE Act
This bill modifies the tax credit for expenses for household and dependent care services necessary for gainful employment (known as the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit) to (1) make the credit refundable, (2) increase the rate for the credit, and (3) require the dollar amounts for such credit to be adjusted for inflation.
The bill also increases the amount of employer-provided dependent care assistance which may be excluded from the gross income of an employee and requires the increased exclusion amount to be adjusted for inflation.
Promoting Affordable Childcare for Everyone Act or the PACE Act
This bill modifies the tax credit for expenses for household and dependent care services necessary for gainful employment (known as the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit) to (1) make the credit refundable, (2) increase the rate for the credit, and (3) require the dollar amounts for such credit to be adjusted for inflation.
The bill also increases the amount of employer-provided dependent care assistance which may be excluded from the gross income of an employee and requires the increased exclusion amount to be adjusted for inflation.
Promoting Affordable Childcare for Everyone Act or the PACE Act
This bill modifies the tax credit for expenses for household and dependent care services necessary for gainful employment (known as the Child and Dependent Care Tax Cr...
The bill also increases the amount of employer-provided dependent care assistance which may be excluded from the gross income of an employee and requires the increased exclusion amount to be adjusted for inflation.