Maintaining American Superiority by Improving Export Control Transparency Act
This bill requires the Department of Commerce to provide certain information to Congress on export license applications.
Commerce must, every 90 days, report to Congress on license applications, enforcement actions, and other requests for authorization for the export, reexport, release, and in-country transfer of items controlled under the Export Control Reform Act of 2018. This report must include specified information, such as the name of the entity submitting the application, where the item is being exported, the decision with respect to the license application or authorization, and information on compliance with U.S. export controls.
Maintaining American Superiority by Improving Export Control Transparency Act
This bill requires the Department of Commerce to provide certain information to Congress on export license applications.
Commerce must, every 90 days, report to Congress on license applications, enforcement actions, and other requests for authorization for the export, reexport, release, and in-country transfer of items controlled under the Export Control Reform Act of 2018. This report must include specified information, such as the name of the entity submitting the application, where the item is being exported, the decision with respect to the license application or authorization, and information on compliance with U.S. export controls.
Maintaining American Superiority by Improving Export Control Transparency Act
This bill requires the Department of Commerce to provide certain information to Congress on export license applications.
Commerce must...