Advisory bodies•
Air quality•
Citizenship and naturalization•
Climate change and greenhouse gases•
Community life and organization•
Congressional oversight•
Correctional facilities and imprisonment•
Drug, alcohol, tobacco use•
Emergency planning and evacuation•
Employee hiring•
Employee leave•
Employment and training programs•
Environmental assessment, monitoring, research•
Environmental health•
Environmental regulatory procedures•
Executive Office of the President•
Executive agency funding and structure•
First responders and emergency personnel•
Food assistance and relief•
Government information and archives•
Government studies and investigations•
Higher education•
Immigration status and procedures•
Indian social and development programs•
Labor standards•
Low- and moderate-income housing•
Natural disasters•
Performance measurement•
Public contracts and procurement•
Public-private cooperation•
Racial and ethnic relations•
Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations•
State and local government operations•
Urban and suburban affairs and development•
Wages and earnings•
Worker safety and health