Providing Appropriate Recognition and Treatment Needed to Enhance Relations with ASEAN Act or the PARTNER with ASEAN Act
This bill establishes that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) shall be covered by the International Organizations Immunities Act, which provides immunities and privileges to certain international organizations, such as immunity from certain lawsuits and exemption from property taxes.
(ASEAN is Southeast Asia's primary multilateral organization. It has 10 member nations, including Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam.)
Providing Appropriate Recognition and Treatment Needed to Enhance Relations with ASEAN Act or the PARTNER with ASEAN Act
This bill establishes that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) shall be covered by the International Organizations Immunities Act, which provides immunities and privileges to certain international organizations, such as immunity from certain lawsuits and exemption from property taxes.
(ASEAN is Southeast Asia's primary multilateral organization. It has 10 member nations, including Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam.)
Providing Appropriate Recognition and Treatment Needed to Enhance Relations with ASEAN Act or the PARTNER with ASEAN Act
This bill establishes that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) shall be covered by the Internati...
(ASEAN is Southeast Asia's primary multilateral organization. It has 10 member nations, including Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam.)