Violent Incident Clearance and Technological Investigative Methods Act of 2022 or VICTIM Act of 2022
This bill directs the Department of Justice to establish a grant program for state, tribal, or local law enforcement agencies or prosecuting offices (or groups of tribal agencies or offices) to establish, implement, and administer violent incident clearance and technological investigative methods.
Violent Incident Clearance and Technological Investigative Methods Act of 2022 or VICTIM Act of 2022
This bill directs the Department of Justice to establish a grant program for state, tribal, or local law enforcement agencies or prosecuting offices (or groups of tribal agencies or offices) to establish, implement, and administer violent incident clearance and technological investigative methods.
Violent Incident Clearance and Technological Investigative Methods Act of 2022 or VICTIM Act of 2022
This bill directs the Department of Justice to establish a grant program for state, tribal, or local law enforcement agen...