Automatic Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Major Disasters and Critical Events Act
This bill modifies the mandatory extension of certain tax filing and other tax-related deadlines for taxpayers affected by federally declared disasters and rules for postponing certain tax filing or payment requirements due to service in a combat zone or a contingency operation. It also tolls the deadline for filing a petition in the Tax Court if the location for filing the petition is inaccessible.
Automatic Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Major Disasters and Critical Events Act
This bill modifies the mandatory extension of certain tax filing and other tax-related deadlines for taxpayers affected by federally declared disasters and rules for postponing certain tax filing or payment requirements due to service in a combat zone or a contingency operation. It also tolls the deadline for filing a petition in the Tax Court if the location for filing the petition is inaccessible.
Automatic Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Major Disasters and Critical Events Act
This bill modifies the mandatory extension of certain tax filing and other tax-related deadlines for taxpayers affected by federally declar...