Build America, Buy America Act
This bill requires federal infrastructure programs to provide for the use of materials produced in the United States.
Each federal agency must submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and to Congress a report that identifies each federal financial assistance program for infrastructure administered by the agency and (1) identify domestic content procurement preferences applicable to the assistance, (2) assess the applicability of such requirements, (3) provide details on any applicable domestic content procurement preference requirement, and (4) include a description of the type of infrastructure projects that receive funding under the program.
Each agency shall ensure that none of the funds made available for such a program may be used for a project unless all of the iron, steel, and manufactured products used in the project are produced in the United States, subject to waivers under specified circumstances.
The Department of Transportation must enter into a technical assistance partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology to ensure the development of a domestic supply base to support intermodal transportation in the United States.
The Office for Federal Procurement Policy shall promulgate final regulations or other policy or management guidance to standardize and simplify how federal agencies comply with, report on, and enforce the Buy American Act.
The OMB must establish a Made in America Office to undertake specified activities, including to maximize and enforce compliance with domestic preference statutes.
Build America, Buy America Act
This bill requires federal infrastructure programs to provide for the use of materials produced in the United States.
Each federal agency must submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and to Congress a report that identifies each federal financial assistance program for infrastructure administered by the agency and (1) identify domestic content procurement preferences applicable to the assistance, (2) assess the applicability of such requirements, (3) provide details on any applicable domestic content procurement preference requirement, and (4) include a description of the type of infrastructure projects that receive funding under the program.
Each agency shall ensure that none of the funds made available for such a program may be used for a project unless all of the iron, steel, and manufactured products used in the project are produced in the United States, subject to waivers under specified circumstances.
The Department of Transportation must enter into a technical assistance partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology to ensure the development of a domestic supply base to support intermodal transportation in the United States.
The Office for Federal Procurement Policy shall promulgate final regulations or other policy or management guidance to standardize and simplify how federal agencies comply with, report on, and enforce the Buy American Act.
The OMB must establish a Made in America Office to undertake specified activities, including to maximize and enforce compliance with domestic preference statutes.
Build America, Buy America Act
This bill requires federal infrastructure programs to provide for the use of materials produced in the United States.
Each federal agency must submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)...
Each agency shall ensure that none of the funds made available for such a program may be used for a project unless all of the iron, steel, and manufactured products used in the project are produced in the United States, subject to waivers under specified circumstances.
The Department of Transportation must enter into a technical assistance partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology to ensure the development of a domestic supply base to support intermodal transportation in the United States.
The Office for Federal Procurement Policy shall promulgate final regulations or other policy or management guidance to standardize and simplify how federal agencies comply with, report on, and enforce the Buy American Act.
The OMB must establish a Made in America Office to undertake specified activities, including to maximize and enforce compliance with domestic preference statutes.